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The C’s Of Education-Captivate Students With Videos

The C’s Of Education-Captivate Students With Videos

The classroom of today is different from the one of the past. We don't rely solely on books or syllabi any longer. We are living in a time of rapid technology advancement, which some refer to as a technological or digital revolution. Learning has changed as a result of this, as have the learning instruments we use in the classroom. Interactivity in the classroom is more popular than ever before. Students can supplement their learning with movies, photos, presentations, multitouch screens, computers, tablets, and even phones.


We talk a lot about 21st-century skills in education, and the four Cs of 21st-century abilities get a lot of attention: communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.

- Critical thinking

- Creativity

- Collaboration



The usage of video in the classroom has become a widespread trend in today's education. Students and teachers both benefit from video. Above all, video is a valuable resource that helps teachers cultivate the 4 C's of education.


Critical thinking with video

Teachers are urged to use video to implement the flipped classroom method, in which students study course material at their own pace and then discuss various aspects of the curriculum with their teacher and peers during class time. Students can be divided into groups and asked to summarise the video they just watched, share their thoughts on the issue, and ask questions about it. All of this helps them improve their critical thinking abilities.


Creativity and video

Many youngsters are born storytellers, and they frequently come up with novel solutions to problems. When you offer kids a tool, they need to be able to make a movie, tell a tale, express themselves, share in many ways, and collaborate with their peers.


Collaboration, video, and communication

In today's world, video is a must-have educational tool. Students who are unable to attend classes in person, such as those with impairments, can virtually attend lectures, collaborate, and communicate with their classmates in real time using video. Students are motivated and engaged when they have access to video, according to research. Students can be inspired to work together to solve a real-world problem by watching an inspiring video during class. Video can also help to improve communication between teachers and parents. Teachers can share video clips of a child reading or interacting with peers in a collaborative context, for example.


In conclusion

The four Cs of education are the abilities that children require to be successful in life. We need to make sure that the technology we employ to help kids learn is motivating. A safe, familiar environment is a compelling learning environment, and we feel all children will recognise today's movie. For further information, please contact us.


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