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SEO Updates Expected in 2019

SEO Updates Expected in 2019

We are almost reached at the end of 2018, but the Digital Indus has nothing to do with yearends. It will update more in 2019 as compare to 2018. So it's never too early to prepare for the future.

While there are many prediction about the update, but the most popular updates which will bring revolutionary changes in 2019 are-

1. Impressions will be taken away from your site Because of Amazon Search & Voice Search
Experts believe that 1/3 of SEO Services in 2019 will be of Amazon Search & Voice Search. The prediction by expert is Amazon Search will be the biggest SEO trend in 2019. Out of 100, 56% of consumer started searching product on Amazon and not on Google. This is a huge swing which has been noticed & Amazon search cannot be ignored as Amazon can be the new Google.

2. Google officially says Mobile-First-Indexing
Google has rolled out new stuff that's Mobile-First-Indexing. Google will now rank and create listing based on content of Mobile version, even for those listing which are desktop user. Confused how this will be done? According to a survey 57% of online traffic comes from mobile and tablet and tracked data of keywords which were nearly 25 million, keyword listing differed from mobile to desktop for 79%. For ranking in positions for 1-20, 47% of mobile & desktop rakings were not same.

3. Increase in User Experience is expected
User Experience is also going to be the one of the major ranking factor for SEO Services in 2019. Google is working hard on more and more personalized search result. To perform well you must have to provide a great user experience like high quality content & site which has lightning fast speed, so that user will not hit back button.

4. Keyword Research is going to be changed by Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is going to change the keyword research practice & will help to create personalized demographic data of ranking. Artificial Intelligence will be more universal, so SEO Company have chance to grab the knowledge of machine learning & automation.