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Marketing Benefits Of Serialized Videos

Marketing Benefits Of Serialized Videos

Content serialization includes taking one subject or topic and converting it into multiple scantier chunks or sections, so you form a series based on one concept.


Let’s take a look at why it works and how it can benefit your brand.


1. Serialized content builds anticipation

Once your existing audience has tasted one installment of your content, they’ll be eagerly anticipating the next episode, the next book, or the next product. In a way, it’s like giving a “Rendez-Vous” to your followers: See you next week for the next episode.


2. Serialized content grows your followers

People who view and aspire to one episode of the series are expected to subscribe to watch the following one. Plus, blog serialization creates excellent internal linking that leads readers from one post to the next, and keeps Google happy, too.


3. Serialized content reaches a wider audience

Search and social algorithms are likely to suggest new episodes to users who have watched a previous episode.


4. Serialized content increases conversions

Whether your site’s goal is more email subscriptions, more product trials, or more social shares, serialized fans become hooked and are more likely to convert.


5. Serialized content enables longer storytelling

Serialized content allows you to integrate a longer narrative arc, so you extend your story into a series rather than cramming everything into one chapter.


6. Serialized content inspires more creativity

One idea can be turned into months of content. It’s an ideal opportunity to go deep on a topic rather than skimming the surface.


7. Serialized content improves productivity

Serialization preserves prices and time through economies of range, steady workflow, and concentrated content production. It can assist fill out your editorial schedule and hurries up the approval procedure.


8. Serialized content boosts brand awareness

Serialized content helps boost your brand name. It keeps your brand in the limelight and front of your target audience as content appears consistently.


9. Serialized content helps knowledge retention

Serialized content gives your audience more time to digest and grasp concepts. You can divide one broad topic into smaller segments, which improves knowledge retention and avoids content overload.


10. Serialized content works better on mobiles

Shorter pieces of content are more accessible on a mobile screen than larger pieces. For instance, it’s much easier to read or listen to a chapter of an ebook than reading the whole book.


Summing It Up

Serialized content has been around for a long time. It lets you take one concept or topic and turning it into a series of smaller installments. It’s a great way to share information, engage your audience, and promote your brand. For more help on serialized content please contact Radiance Vision.

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