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How GenZ Is Reinventing Influencer Marketing

How GenZ Is Reinventing Influencer Marketing

People have been confined to their houses throughout the pandemic's peak. At-home consumers have consumed more content than ever before, thanks to binge-watching TV shows and adjusting to the disruption of the lockdown in our daily life. As a result of the pandemic upsetting marketing methods, businesses have begun to pay closer attention to influencer marketing in the last year. During the pandemic, digital media and influencer marketing were, in some ways, the bread and butter of a company's marketing efforts. During the epidemic, marketers saw how successful influencer marketing can be, particularly with at-home consumers.


In 2021, brands must be aware of the following crucial points concerning influencer marketing:


At the moment, the terms "influencer" and "maker" are changing.

Marketers believe that the "influencer craze" will not fade away anytime soon. These days, content creators are more than just celebrities on social media. Photographers, actors, writers, and videographers are among their many talents. As a result, they prefer to be known for the quality of their online content rather than the number of people who follow them.


Brands will need to focus on paid amplification.

Because influencer marketing veers away from traditional advertising, using paid advertising for an influencer campaign may appear to be counterintuitive. This is thanks to social media platforms' effective ad targeting. It ensures that marketers make the most of their influencer material, despite the challenges of internet algorithms, and it also increases the total impact of their digital marketing strategy.


The popularity of short-form video will only grow.

Over the last few years, short-form videos have been increasingly popular, and this trend isn't going away anytime soon. In addition, in 2021, consumers will continue to be drawn to influencer-created short-form snackable films of all kinds. As a result, brands must be prepared to provide short-form content that is appropriate for their target market. E-commerce capabilities are increasingly being integrated into social networking networks' apps.


Gen Z will be won over by authenticity.

With a reported spending of almost $100 billion, the Gen Z audience is quickly becoming a consumer behemoth. Brands must pay more attention to the requirements and interests of Gen Z as the eldest members of the generation enter the workforce. Quality, rather than quantity, and individual expression, are valued by this age. Most significantly, consumers value brand authenticity as well as organisations who take a statement on social issues that are important to them.



Shopping is a means for this hyper-connected youth to express their social involvement and values. They're also the generation that feels most at ease around influencers because they value the social environment in which their products are used. For more information on influencer marketing, please contact Radiance Vision.


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